Getting in touch

To get things started, you can either:

  • email me at for a free 30 minute appointment to discuss how we can work together
  • email me for further information
  • call me at 07881 717155 to get booked in for your first appointment


Safety: I am mindful about the disclosure of sensitive information within emails / texts.

I am pleased to be able to offer telephone sessions, Microsoft Team sessions or face to face counselling, which best suits your needs.

If you or someone you know feels suicidal, or may be a danger to themselves or others, you can contact:

The Samaritans who offer a free 24-hour service, 365 day a year – Call 116 123, or

SHOUT which is a free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging support service for anyone who is struggling to cope – text SHOUT to 85258


Adriana Cracknell
restore life and balance